Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Path to School is Like a Box of Chocolates.. You Never Know What You're Going to Get

The 400 meter walk from our flat to the school can be uneventful or full of interesting happenings. Some days you may only see a group of children playing cricket in the nearby cow field/park, or only have 12 people stare at you, but then there are those special days when you see some pretty cool stuff.

Like the day we were walking home and saw 10 children making flat patties out of the cow poo they had piled into an enormous glob (see picture in my 2nd blog post), or the several mornings we see children relieving themselves (#2) only 2 feet off the road, or the morning we were almost ran over by some kids on a motorcycle intentionally steering their bike our way, or the morning we saw some ladies carrying the cow poo patties on top of their heads....

Then there are some days where we time it just right to see and/or be a part of the daily cow movement. As you may have heard cows are a little special around here. They are free to roam where they like, although we've been told they all have owners (I have yet to see an owner tending to their cows). And they absolutely roam where they like. We have a herd of about 18 or 20 that live near our flat. They are all black and look more like miniature Cape Buffalo from East Africa than they do cows. There is very, very, very little grass here so they mainly eat trash that has been thrown on the street. The other morning when we were out running we saw a huge white bull "grazing" inside of a dumpster... I mean all four legs up inside the dumpster...hhmmmm.....Anyways, back on subject, one special morning we got to see the cows cross the busy road in front of the school. They didn't wait on a traffic light, or look both ways before crossing. Strength in numbers baby. I'm just glad I had my camera.

The 400 meter walk is over before we know it and we enter the main gate into the Good Samaritan School, a very special place. Yes, the building is very nice compared to anything around it. The children who enter feel as though they have entered a new world. It's a place of Christ-centered academics where the "underprivileged are served by involving the privileged".

Taken from just inside the front gate.

After walking thru the front breezeway of the school, this is looking at the interior courtyard.

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